Zhehao Dai

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email: zhehao (at) berkeley.edu

My research focuses on strongly correlated condensed matter systems, including cuprate high-temperature superconductors, quantum critical points with new topological characters, periodically driven correlated systems, and cats.



1. Alternating and Gaussian fermionic Isometric Tensor Network States

Yantao Wu, Zhehao Dai, Sajant Anand, Sheng-Hsuan Lin, Qi Yang, Lei Wang, Frank Pollmann, Michael P. Zaletel

arXiv: 2502.10695,


2. Designing exciton-condensate Josephson junction in quantum Hall heterostructures

Tianle Wang, Ruihua Fan, Zhehao Dai, Michael P. Zaletel

arXiv: 2409.19059,


3. Effective model for Pb9_9Cu(PO4_4)6_6O

Patrick A. Lee, Zhehao Dai

arXiv: 2308.04480,


4. Fermionic Isometric Tensor Network States in Two Dimensions

Zhehao Dai, Yantao Wu, Taige Wang, Michael P. Zaletel

arXiv: 2211.00043,

5. Photo-induced Superconductivity = Discrete Time Crystal?

Zhehao Dai, Vibhu Ravindran, Norman Y. Yao, Michael P. Zaletel

arXiv: 2209.05510,


6. Superconducting-like response in driven systems near the Mott transition

Zhehao Dai, Patrick A. Lee

arXiv: 2106.08354,

7. Photo-induced superconducting-like response in strongly correlated systems

Zhehao Dai, Patrick A. Lee

arXiv: 2103.09255, Phys. Rev. B 104, 054512 (2021)


8. Exploring Strongly Interacting Gapless States: Cuprates, Pair Density Waves, and Fluctuating Superconductivity

Zhehao Dai

arXiv: 2005.12285,


9. Quantum criticality of loops with topologically constrained dynamics

Zhehao Dai, Adam Nahum

arXiv: 1910.01136, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033051 (2020)

10. Modeling the pseudogap metallic state in cuprates: quantum disordered pair density wave

Zhehao Dai, T. Senthil, Patrick A. Lee

arXiv: 1906.01656, Phys. Rev. B 101, 064502 (2020)


11. Pair density wave, charge density wave and vortex in high Tc cuprates

Zhehao Dai, Ya-Hui Zhang, T. Senthil, Patrick Lee

arXiv: 1802.03009, Phys. Rev. B 97, 174511 (2018)


12. Optical Conductivity From Pair Density Waves

Zhehao Dai, Patrick A. Lee

arXiv: 1608.01108, Phys. Rev. B 95, 014506 (2017)